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Peace Child

Filmed in the unspoiled jungles of the Southwest Pacific, Peace Child dramatically portrays the startling reaction of primitive tribal people to the Gospel as it was presented to them by missionaries Don and Carol Richardson.

  • Item 99351D
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: DVD
  • Running Time: 30 min

Alternate formats: Digital Video - $2.99

Retail: $19.99
Price: $5.00
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Don and Carol Richardson respond to the call of Christ. Careful preparation for their mission and a journey by dug-out canoe bring them to a remote rain forest inhabited by some of the world's most primitive people. Painstakingly, they learn the language only to be shocked when the story of Judas' betrayal of Jesus makes him a hero to a people whose highest attribute is to be masters of treachery.

When inter-tribal warfare breaks out, the battles continue until a warring chief offers his son as a means of bringing lasting peace. This primitive tribal custom makes the Gospel understandable. Lives are changed. A church appears.

Peace Child is an exceptional film blending ferocious inter-tribal warfare, expert cinematography, and Christian compassion in a dramatic re-creation of a classic missions success story.

Note: This film contains some brief nudity in the native fashion.] Fullscreen

DVD Features:
Languages: English, Arabic, Cebuano, French, German, IIocano, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Taiwanese, Zulu

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Customer Reviews

- muy buena

Una de las mejores pelĂ­culas misioneras para motivar y desafiar a las iglesias y jovenes.

- The Peace Child

For many times i'd been watching this video my heart is always filled with joy and amazement how the love of God reached us. Truly this video is powerful, life changing, touching and an inspirational tool to reach the unreached and connect them to Christ. God bless you brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. Shalom!
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