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Time For Miracles

  • Item 31124D
  • Region: US and Canada
  • Media Type: DVD
  • Running Time: 96 MIn

This is the inspiring story of America's first native-born saint, Mother Seton. Kate Mulgrew gives a moving performance as St. Elizabeth Seton, a convert to Catholicism who overcame the great tragedy of the deaths of her young husband and two children, and went on to found the American Sisters of Charity and the first American Catholic schools. A film of unusual strength and beauty. Also starring Lorne Greene, John Forsythe, and Rossano Brazzi.

$1.99 $14.99
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Saint Augustine: A Voice for All Generations - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 501517V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 58 min

Explore the conversion story of one of the most significant figures in church history and learn about his struggle to find answers amid a sea of competing voices. Travel with host Mike Aquilina to fourth-century Rome and Milan to discover why St. Augustine has become a “Voice for All Generations.”

$2.99 $19.99
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Bonhoeffer - Agent of Grace - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 4638V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 1 hr 30 min

The heroic Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who rebelled against the evil of Nazi Germany and vehemently opposed Hitler during World War 2, could have kept his peace and saved his life on several occasions but instead paid the ultimate price for his convictions.

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The Passion Of Saint Perpetua: Martyr Of The Faith - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 501312V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 55 Min

This documentary tells the true account of the courageous young martyr of the early church. Hosted by Mike Aquilina.

$2.99 $19.99
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Mother Teresa: Seeing The Face Of Jesus - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 500917V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 35 min

"Whatever you do unto the least of these, you do unto me." Mother Teresa always remembered these words of Jesus. She said that she saw the face of Jesus in the face of each sick and dying person she helped. She asked the whole world to look for Jesus' face there, too.

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Untold Stories Of Columbine - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 4862V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 1 hr 20 min

Here is an amazing story of hope from the horrific massacre at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999, where many innocent lives were lost. One of those was Rachel Joy Scott, mercilessly murdered for her faith in God.

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William Wilberforce - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 500953V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 35 mins

As a young politician Wilberforce dedicated his life to the seemingly impossible task of the abolition of slavery in 18th-century Britain. Finally, after decades of struggle, his cause prevailed. Using an extensive collection of original printings and historical art to tell his story, this video shows the difference committed believers can make in combating social ills.

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Francis And Clare Of Assisi - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 500815V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 30 mins

Francis and Clare of Assisi — two figures of the Middle Ages who went against all conventions of the times and whose way of life is still a challenge. With both beautiful photography that takes you to the places frequented by Clare and Francis and original music with medieval melodies, their extraordinary tale is told.

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Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Memories And Perspectives - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 500957V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 1 hr 30 mins

For those who want a close and intimate portrait of Bonhoeffer. This video follows the life of the martyred theologian as vividly recalled by those closest to him: his friends, family, and students. Included are Bonhoeffer family photographs that have never been shown before.

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Henri Nouwen: Cross Currents Interviews - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 501374V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 49 Min

Brian C. Stiller, host of Vision TV's weekly broadcast Cross Currents (1994-1998), explores the heart of Nouwen's passionate message of faith in these insightful and penetrating interviews.

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Pioneers Of The Spirit: Hildegard Of Bingen - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 500827V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 24 Mins

A German nun and abbess, Hildegard was an intellectual, writer, composer, and artist. She wrote about music, art, medicine, natural history and theology. Her musical compositions are being played to this day. Hildegard is remembered also for her visions, which she wrote about in great detail. She was a renaissance woman far ahead of her time.

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Pioneers Of The Spirit: Augustine Of Hippo - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 500826V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 24 Mins

This program looks at Augustine of Hippo, a bishop in North Africa in the 4th century and one of Christianity's most influential thinkers.

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Pioneers Of The Spirit: Teresa Of Avila - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 500824V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 24 Mins

This program looks at Teresa of Avila, one of the most colorful mystics of the Medieval Period.

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Roger Williams: Freedom's Forgotten Hero - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 500813V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 45 Mins

The story of Roger Williams, who founded the state of Rhode Island and the Baptist movement in America.

$2.99 $19.99
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Maria Prean - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 501480V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 55 Mins

The amazing story of missionary Maria Prean is told in this award-winning documentary by Janina Huettenrauch. Maria was 60 years old when she decided to start a new life. She moved from Austria to Uganda, a country with more than two million orphans.

$2.99 $19.99
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Xavier: Missionary And Saint - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 20335V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 1 hr 20 mins

This is the story of a missionary who died alone on a desolate island within sight of the land of his life's dream, unaware that he had forever changed the face and the race of Christianity.

$2.99 $24.99
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An Empire Conquered - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 501073V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 52 Mins

This moving investigation looks at five heroic martyrs—Augustus, Clement, Cecilia, Apollonius, and Agnes—who lived during years when Christians were cruelly persecuted and martyred.

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Crossing Rome - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 501108V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 26 Mins

Crossing Rome takes us back into the intriguing and inspiring first centuries of the Christian faith and the experience of the Early Church at Rome.

$2.99 $14.99
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The First Valentine - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 4729V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 25 min

In this adventure of imagination, young Tess, a shy girl of 13, discovers a new meaning for love on Valentine's Day. Through a very special book, she meets the third century martyr Valentine and his Christian friends. They show her what it means to love others as Jesus loves us, and to receive that love in return.

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Cottolengo - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 501122V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 1 hr. 55 min.

The amazing and inspiring life of St. Joseph Benedict Cottolengo (1786 –1842) is beautifully depicted in this full-length feature film. Joseph was the firstborn of twelve children. Struggles with his own health and schooling made him an unlikely candidate to become one who would bring relief and healing to thousands.

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St. Clares of Assisi and Poor Clares - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 500842V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 70

This documentary features two programs. First, St. Clare of Assisi reveals the extraordinary life of St. Clare, a woman who reached the highest summits of Christian mysticism, who knew how to defend her decisions alone and who built a social reality that still challenges the centuries. The second program, included as a bonus, is Poor Clares: A Hidden Presence. More than twenty thousand women today follow the example of Clare of Assisi in monasteries scattered throughout the world - the cloistered convent, a city in prayer and a hidden presence with a love with reserve for all of humanity.

$2.99 $19.99
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Newton's Grace: The True Story of Amazing Grace - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 501526V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 80

Newton’s Grace is the true story of a real “Prodigal Son,” the story of miraculous forgiveness and change that lies behind the powerful words of one of the world’s most beloved hymns.

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Christian Catalysts Collection: VIPS - Loren Cunningham - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 500985V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 30 min.

Loren Cunningham was born in California in 1935. His missionary parents worked among the poor in the Southwest, preached in the streets and lived in a tent with boxes for furniture. At age 13, he had his first conviction of a call to world mission. Later he had a vision of the world covered with waves of young people taking the Gospel to all the nations of the earth.

$2.99 $14.99
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C.T. Studd: Gifted Athlete and Pioneering Missionary - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 501746V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video

C. T. Studd had it all. Born into a wealthy upperclass family in England, he studied at Cambridge University and went on to become one of the country’s most celebrated athletes. But Studd realized that fame and flattery would not last, and as a Christian, he sensed a profound calling to forsake the things of the world and live for the world to come.

$2.99 $19.99
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