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Searching Generation: Spiritual Life Of Twenty-Somethings - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 501265V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 30 min

What speaks to them? How are they misunderstood?

$2.99 $19.99
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Integrative Medicine: Cancer And Nutrition - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 501272V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 35 Mins

Dr. Monica Myklebust answers vital questions that will help patients and their loved ones with care for the whole person through compassion, knowledge and spiritual resources. Together they offer hope and healing. Dr. Monica also goes into detail about the proper nutrition needed for cancer patients.

$2.99 $19.99
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The Journey From Tragedy To Hope - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 501273V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 20 Mins

A story of one man's Journey from Tragedy to Hope.

$2.99 $14.99
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Turning The Tide: Dignity, Compassion And Euthanasia - .Mp4 Digital Download

  • Item 501242V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 29 Mins

How do you frame the rules for killing, once killing is an accepted solution for human suffering? What is the meaning of true compassion and dignity?

$2.99 $19.99
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Christianity And Islam - With PDFs - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 501258V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 1 Hr. 40 Mins

An insightful, four-part series comparing and contrasting Christianity and Islam.

$3.99 $24.99
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Precarious Peace: God and Guatemala - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 500857V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 70 min.

Precarious Peace, a documentary, explores the Guatemalan peace process, past and present, and the complicated role religion plays in that drama.

$2.99 $19.99
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Integrative Medicine - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 501262V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 51 Mins

This program is presented by Dr. Monica Myklebust, an Integrative Medicine Specialist, who brings many healing systems together to suggest the various options for patients.

$2.99 $19.99
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Not for Sale: Parts 1 and 2 - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 501396V
  • Region: US and Canada
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 1 hr 25 min

A two-part documentary on the global problem of human trafficking and the modern-day abolitionists who are fighting it.

$2.99 $19.99
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Stranger: Immigrants, Scripture, and the American Dream - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 501679V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 41 min.

By highlighting biblical teaching related to immigrants, sharing compelling stories of immigrants who are also evangelical Christians, and addressing some common economic and political misconceptions, The Stranger seeks to mobilize evangelical Christians to respond to immigrants and to immigration policy in ways that are consistent with Biblical principles.

$2.99 $14.99
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Passion for Justice - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 501666V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 84 min.

Passion for Justice tells the compelling story of Dr. John Perkins, an integral leader in the civil rights movement of the 1960’s and an evangelical voice for community development and racial reconciliation.

$2.99 $14.99
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Reflections On The Lord's Prayer For People With Cancer - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 501260V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 1 hr 20 min

Ken Curtis unfolds the healing power of the Lord's Prayer from original locations in the life of Jesus.

$3.99 $19.99
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Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Memories And Perspectives - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 500957V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 1 hr 30 mins

For those who want a close and intimate portrait of Bonhoeffer. This video follows the life of the martyred theologian as vividly recalled by those closest to him: his friends, family, and students. Included are Bonhoeffer family photographs that have never been shown before.

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Saving Face - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 501352V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 80 Min

Matt Kern was an A student in seventh grade but a year later was stealing cars on the weekends. He eventually landed in prison where, unbeknownst to his parents, he thrived by managing his own business and gambling operation. This riveting story reveals the details of his crime and time spent in prison, and the providential way in which he got clemency.

$2.99 $19.99
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Beyond Torture - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 501166V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 35 Mins

Beyond Torture documents the persecution of Romanians under the communist regime. You'll hear firsthand stories of the persecution of Romanians under Stalinist communism.

$2.99 $19.99
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Captivated: Finding Freedom in a Media Captive Culture - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 501496V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 107 min.

Captivated features insights from media experts as well as personal stories from individuals and families who have escaped media addiction and learned to make discerning and God-honoring choices about their use of media technology.

$3.99 $19.99
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Shadow Voices: Finding Hope in Mental Illness - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 500938V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 58 min

Here is an inside look at what it is like to live with a mental illness and how individuals and their families find their way through medical, governmental, societal and spiritual issues--to hope.

$2.99 $24.99
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Healing For A Broken World - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 501270V
  • Region: US and Canada
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 2 hrs

Many Christians desire to act as responsible citizens, but are uncertain how to do so in a truly Christian manner. This video series, consisting of 12 ten-minute segments, will help.

$3.99 $29.99
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Letters to an Unknown Daughter - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 501482V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 40 min

In the summer of 1974, 17-year old Anita Keagy discovered that she was pregnant by her boyfriend. Having grown up in a loving but strict Christian home, Anita feared the disgrace it would bring on her family and considered abortion.

$3.99 $14.99
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Run Baby Run .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 4779V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 52 Min

This is the touching, true story of Nicky Cruz, who turned from a life of drugs, violence and crime to serve Jesus Christ.

$3.99 $19.99
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Whatever Happened To The Human Race? - MP4 Digital Download - Part 4-5

  • Item 66209V2
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 1 hour 33 min

This crucial series is narrated by the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer and former Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop.

$2.99 $39.99
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The Cyrus Call - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 501269V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 2008

In this program, Australian author Kelvin Crombie, along with Israeli academics and British churchmen, presents the story of how this outworking of Britain's Christian heritage was intertwined with her geo-political objective in the Middle East of maintaining access to her Eastern Empire.

$2.99 $19.99
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A Light In The Darkness - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 501075V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 52 Mins

This moving historical documentary explores the remarkable spirit and faith of the Volga German people. These German nationals emigrated to the Volga region of Russia during the time of Catherine the Great in pursuit of a dream… the promise of freedom and local self-government in their newly adopted homeland.

$4.99 $19.99
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No Bright Lights - A redefining insight into effectively serving the poor - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 501418V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 46 Mins

No Bright Lights gives an up close and personal profile of Networks Romania, a Christian relief organization reaching out to some of Romania’s poorest people. In a shifting social and political environment many Romanian children find themselves abandoned to the streets where they experience extreme poverty and injustice. Networks Romania works with the community to help stabilize families through word and deed expressions of the Gospel.

$2.99 $14.99
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Our People: Story Of William & Catherine Booth - .MP4 Digital Download

  • Item 501342V
  • Region: All
  • Media Type: Digital Video
  • Running Time: 74 min.

This is the story of William and Catherine Booth, founders of The Salvation Army. It is a gripping narrative of struggle, difficulty, love, and ultimate triumph.

$3.99 $19.99
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