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Isaac Hecker and the Journey of Catholic America - .MP4 Digital Download
Isaac Hecker and the Journey of Catholic America - .MP4 Digital Download - MP4
Wisdom from India - Lecture 7: Vegetarianism - .MP4 Digital Download
Wisdom from India - Lecture 7: Vegetarianism - .MP4 Digital Download - MP4
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Isaac Hecker and the Journey of Catholic America - .MP4 Digital Download - MP4 501755V

Isaac Hecker’s story is ultimately an American story about someone who not only spent his life trying to experience God acting in the world, but who also tried to build bridges so others could join him on that journey. No matter what one’s religious background might be, Isaac Hecker and the Journey of Catholic America is a story for all spiritual seekers about someone whose life continues to impact our society today.

Item Price: $4.99
Wisdom from India - Lecture 7: Vegetarianism - .MP4 Digital Download - MP4 501478V

LECTURE 7 -- Vegetarianism: The Ethics of Eating Meat In this lecture, Dr. Mangalwadi explores the history and meaning of vegetarianism from the Eastern religious viewpoint, the secular viewpoint and the Judeo-Christian viewpoint. Is vegetarianism healthier than eating meat? Is it cruel to slaughter animals for food? Why do most Christians reject vegetarianism?

Item Price: $2.99
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