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Wisdom from India - Lecture 6: Ecology - .MP4 Digital Download
Wisdom from India - Lecture 6: Ecology - .MP4 Digital Download - MP4
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Wisdom from India - Lecture 6: Ecology - .MP4 Digital Download - MP4 501477V

LECTURE 6 -- Ecology: The Responsibility of Being Human Many believe that global warming and other ecological crises are the number one threat to humanity and the planet, while others believe that global warming is a hoax. Why are ecological issues so divisive? In this lecture, Dr. Mangalwadi explores various philosophies of the environment and asks: If the crisis is real, who is to blame? Is religion or secularism at the heart of the problem? How are we to understand the biblical mandate to “subdue and rule over the earth”?

Item Price: $2.99
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