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From Reservations to Restoration: Hope for the Native People - .MP4 Digital Download
From Reservations to Restoration: Hope for the Native People - .MP4 Digital Download - MP4
Christian Catalysts Collection: VIPS - Jackie Pullinger - .MP4 Digital Download
Christian Catalysts Collection: VIPS - Jackie Pullinger - .MP4 Digital Download - MP4
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From Reservations to Restoration: Hope for the Native People - .MP4 Digital Download - MP4 501723V

Take a short journey with several Native Americans as they share their stories of a genuine transformation after a true encounter with Jesus, and about their God inspired ministries that are now reaching out to Native Americans across the country.

Item Price: $2.99
Christian Catalysts Collection: VIPS - Jackie Pullinger - .MP4 Digital Download - MP4 500984V

Jackie Pullinger comes from the Kensington section of London, England. She is probably best-known for her book, Crack in the Wall. She arrived in Hong Kong in 1966 and learned to love the "physically poor and morally poor" people she found there. She believes "wherever it is most dark must be the easiest place for the light to shine."

Item Price: $2.99
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