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Sing Over Me
Sing Over Me - DVD
Father Placido Cortese: The Courage of Silence - MP4 Digital Download
Father Placido Cortese: The Courage of Silence - MP4 Digital Download - MP4
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Sing Over Me - DVD 501604D

Since the early 1990s, Christians all over the world have been singing the songs of modern-day psalmist Dennis Jernigan, including “You Are My All in All,” “Thank You, Lord!” and “When I Fell in Love with You.” His music and ministry, sparked by his lifelong struggle with homosexuality and the healing that came through his relationship with Jesus Christ, have led him on a remarkable journey of redemption.

Item Price: $5.99
Father Placido Cortese: The Courage of Silence - MP4 Digital Download - MP4 501528V

On October 8, 1944, a 37-year-old Italian priest named Father Placido Cortese exits the Basilica of St. Antonio in Padua and gets into a waiting car which then drives away. He is never seen again. Through extraordinary eyewitness accounts and official records, we learn about the young priest's abduction by the Gestapo and of his refusal, in the face of brutal torture, to name his collaborators to save hundreds of lives.

Item Price: $3.99
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